Attendance FAQs
- Where is the Attendance Clerk located?
- How late can I pick up my child?
- Should I call the school to let someone know that my child will be absent today?
- Can I send someone that is not listed on the emergency contact list to pick up my child?
- What do I need to bring with me to sign my child out of school?
- When and where can I turn in my excuse?
- What timeframe do I have to turn in my excuse?
- What information should be included on my excuse?
- When and where can I turn in my request to be released from school early?
- Do I need to turn in an excuse for my absence if the nurse sends me home?
- Do I need to sign out if the nurse sends me home?
- How can I check my attendance?
- How many parent notes can I turn in?
- When am I considered truant?
- When am I considered absent?
- If my child misses the bus will it be excused?
- Will my scheduled family trip/vacation be excused?
- Will my college campus visit be excused?
- How do I excuse my absence for attending a funeral?